Choosing GuardianNet Over Fortinet for Enhanced Zero Trust Security

Choosing GuardianNet Over Fortinet for Enhanced Zero Trust Security

In recent developments within the cybersecurity landscape, the discovery of a critical vulnerability in Fortinet’s FortiOS SSL-VPN has spotlighted the pressing need for robust network security solutions. The vulnerability, identified as CVE-2022-42475, is a severe heap-based buffer overflow that enables hackers to execute malicious code remotely with a severity rating of 9.8 out of 10. This exposure has notably affected government and government-related organizations, underscoring a significant lapse in security that could potentially be addressed more effectively by transitioning to more advanced solutions like GuardianNet by Secure Data 247.

The Fortinet Vulnerability

Fortinet’s recent incident involved the exploitation of their FortiOS platform by unknown threat actors using a critical flaw in the system’s SSL-VPN. Although Fortinet patched this vulnerability in version 7.2.3 released on November 28, their failure to disclose this critical information in the release notes at that time left many users unaware and vulnerable. This event has raised concerns about the resilience and responsiveness of Fortinet’s security solutions. Introducing GuardianNet by Secure Data 247 In contrast to Fortinet’s reactive security measures, GuardianNet offers a proactive and robust framework built upon the innovative WireGuard technology. This modern VPN protocol is integral to GuardianNet, enhancing its capability to support a Zero Trust network environment through several distinct features:

WireGuard Technology: Incorporates state-of-the-art cryptography and offers an easier setup and management process, forming a secure, high-performance backbone for VPN communications.

Layered Security and Software-Defined Networking (SDN): GuardianNet employs a multi-layered security strategy and utilizes SDN to dynamically adapt to new security challenges, offering customizable and scalable security policies.

Zero Trust Configuration: Implements strict verification protocols for all users and devices, continuously monitoring and validating security posture to ensure no implicit trust is assumed within or outside the network perimeter.

Comparing GuardianNet and Fortinet

Security Philosophy and Implementation:

● Fortinet typically uses a more traditional security approach, which may not be sufficient against sophisticated cyber threats that exploit latent vulnerabilities like CVE-2022-42475. The reliance on traditional mechanisms and delayed disclosure practices potentially leaves gaps in an organization’s defensive measures.

● GuardianNet advocates a zero-trust security model, inherently assuming that threats may exist both inside and outside the network. This approach not only provides immediate defensive responses but also ensures continuous adaptation to evolving security threats, facilitated by its SDN capabilities.

Technological Edge:

● Fortinet’s technology, while robust, has shown vulnerabilities that can be exploited via complex attack vectors, questioning its efficacy against advanced threats.

● GuardianNet’s adoption of WireGuard technology offers a simplified yet more secure framework, enhancing VPN performance and security. This choice supports a more resilient infrastructure against the types of vulnerabilities that Fortinet has experienced.

User and Community Trust:

● Fortinet’s approach to communicating critical security vulnerabilities can affect user trust, as seen in their handling of the SSL-VPN vulnerability disclosure.

● GuardianNet, with its transparent and proactive stance in security management, builds greater trust within its user community, reassuring them of their commitment to security and continuous monitoring


The incident involving Fortinet’s FortiOS highlights the need for a security solution that not only addresses current vulnerabilities but also anticipates future threats. GuardianNet, with its innovative use of WireGuard technology and a robust Zero Trust framework, offers a superior alternative that provides enhanced security, transparency, and adaptability. For organizations aiming to fortify their defenses against the complex cyber threat landscape, GuardianNet by Secure Data 247 emerges as a strategic and reliable choice, promising a secure and resilient network environment.

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